Noble Cause
The folks at Personhood have a goal to memorialize each of the 50,000,000+ lives lost from abortion since Roe v. Wade (HT FamilyCoalition).
Fifty million. That's a big number. That's the number of lives lost in the attacks of September 11, 2001 -- times 17,000.
Since 1973... 50 million children have died as a result of legalized abortion in the United States. There is no visible monument to their passing. No pictures of death and destruction to prick our consciences and bring these dark deeds into the light. There is no enduring reminder that they were our hope and our future. They are voiceless, faceless and anonymous thereby leaving no lasting impression upon our generation. Unlike Hurricane Katrina, there is little residual evidence that we have suffered a tragedy of biblical proportion.
During the Jewish Holocaust, Nazi Germany, assigned numbers to each new death camp arrival. This de-humanizing mark was tattooed on their bodies in indelible ink to remind them that they were less than human. Sadly, the victims of our modern day holocaust, lack even this act of de-personalization. They have been labeled "non-persons" under our law and are deposited in our landfills as "medical" waste. We have launched this website as a respectful attempt to memorialize their loss by giving EACH a name and acknowledging their time among us.
The loss of 50 million people is hard to imagine. The Vietnam War Memorial Wall is ten feet high and 500 foot long and contains 58,000+ names. Comparatively, a similar wall depicting all 50 million names would extend to over 81 miles in length. An entire generation is gone and we never knew them. It would seem a small thing that we acknowledge their passing and clothe them in death with human dignity by assigning each a name. Certainly... we can do no less.
Fifty million. That's a big number. That's the number of lives lost in the attacks of September 11, 2001 -- times 17,000.
If you'll look in Catholic cemateries aroud the world you'll notice that the Knights of Columbus put up memorials to the unborn there.
Just yesterday, however, I heard of a local priest who worked hard on the Obama campaign going to Washington today to witness his inauguration. Go figger.
Satan's influence in this human world is far too great.
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