This is huge!
As we see the controversy swirl around President's Obama being invited to commencement ceremonies at Notre Dame, this bit of good news should encourage us that we are slowly, but surely, changing hearts and minds toward acknowledging the right to life of the unborn.
This Gallup poll finds, for the first time, that the majority of Americans now consider themselves "Pro-Life" (51% - 42%).

Another important result is the number of Americans believing abortion should be either highly restricted or entirely illegal has increased in 2009 (60%) over 2008 (57%).

Gallup's "Bottom Line" from the poll results:
As the Left continues down an increasingly radical path in its pro-abortion agenda, reasonable people will push back if they are educated, and that's where we come in. Keep up the fight, folks. In today's political climate, we won't be winning any major legislative battles anytime soon, so a persistent information campaign is our next best option.
Tell the truth, and spread the word.
This Gallup poll finds, for the first time, that the majority of Americans now consider themselves "Pro-Life" (51% - 42%).
Another important result is the number of Americans believing abortion should be either highly restricted or entirely illegal has increased in 2009 (60%) over 2008 (57%).
Gallup's "Bottom Line" from the poll results:
With the first pro-choice president in eight years already making changes to the nation's policies on funding abortion overseas, expressing his support for the Freedom of Choice Act, and moving toward rescinding federal job protections for medical workers who refuse to participate in abortion procedures, Americans -- and, in particular, Republicans -- seem to be taking a step back from the pro-choice position. However, the retreat is evident among political moderates as well as conservatives.
It is possible that, through his abortion policies, Obama has pushed the public's understanding of what it means to be "pro-choice" slightly to the left, politically. While Democrats may support that, as they generally support everything Obama is doing as president, it may be driving others in the opposite direction.
As the Left continues down an increasingly radical path in its pro-abortion agenda, reasonable people will push back if they are educated, and that's where we come in. Keep up the fight, folks. In today's political climate, we won't be winning any major legislative battles anytime soon, so a persistent information campaign is our next best option.
Tell the truth, and spread the word.
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