Tuesday, June 9, 2009


This week marks the ten-year anniversary of the introduction of "Choose Life" license plates.
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- It began as one man's dream to save lives by promoting adoption as an alternative to abortion and it has resulted in raising millions of dollars. That's the Choose Life license plate effort that started in Florida and has moved to dozens of states that either have the plates or are working to get them.

Russ and Jill Amerling are the founders of the national effort to put the yellow license plates with a child-like drawing of the faces of a boy and girl on vehicles across the nation.

Little did they know that the plate or one like it would grace the bumpers of cars in 24 states and generate more than $10 million for adoption agencies, maternity homes and pregnancy centers

According to Choose-Life.org, MCCL is hoping to eventually promote the introduction of these plates in Minnesota.

Congratulations to the Amerlings for the success of a truly worthy cause!


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