Wednesday, April 29, 2009

100 days, 100 steps backward

100 down. 1361 to go.

As we "celebrate" the conclusion of President Obama's first 100 days in office, has taken the opportunity to recap some highlights from the administration's assault on the unborn.
Washington, DC ( -- President Barack Obama marks his first 100 days in the White House today and his record is replete with aggressive promotion of abortion and attacks on pro-life advocates. Obama has used tax dollars to pay for abortion and embryonic stem cell research and stacked his administration with abortion advocates....

The record of "achievements" is here.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Josh Painter at Red State has a nice writeup about Lila Rose's operation to expose Planned Parenthood's willingness to ignore the law in order to promote abortions.

Painter make the analogy between Live Action and Dateline NBC's "To Catch a Predator" series used to expose pedophiles in the act. While Planned Parenthood's actions are every bit as criminal as the child-molesting scum caught in NBC's stings, Painter notes the selectivity of the outrage by "progressives."
....The culture of death doesn't like what Lila and her friends are doing - not one bit. Unlike the scams run by the police and Dateline NBC, Lila's outing of law-breaking Planned Parenthood is drawing howls of protest from the Left. It's not PP's failure to be a law-abiding public citizen that has the Left so unhinged; it's the fact that Lila outed the pro-abortion agency.

One of the most outraged "progressives" is Bonnie Erbe, host of PBS' "To the Contrary" program and a blogger for U.S. News. Erbe condemned Lila's good work as "dishonest and pointless." She wants the college student prosecuted for "trespassing, fraud, and whatever other law she violated." Like the hypocrite she is, Erbe is more than willing to give PP a pass for it's obvious felonious violations of the law, but she wants a young woman perp-marched off to a judge for shining a light on institutional law-breaking on the part of Planned Parenthood.

He then concludes that the era of Obama may in fact be energizing the Pro-Life Movement.
[I]n just his first hundred days in office, Barack Obama has reinvigorated the life movement, and a new generation of young Americans like Lila and her friends are standing up for the defenseless. The president that was hoped for by the dark forces of abortion is now life's best recruiter.

We can hope.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Talking Points for Life

A young lady at the #pro-life Twitter category posted a link to Talking Points for Life by Jeremiah Films. It's not huge, but it's a nice source of information, containing assorted blog posts, videos, and other links. IMHO, it's worth a look.

An example of the content is this video about one woman's experience with Post Abortion Syndrome -- being nearly suicidal, then recovering to become a vocal pro-Life advocate.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Planned Parenthood looks the other way on rape -- again

The project has encountered yet another Planned Parenthood location willing to overlook statutory rape.
Memphis, TN ( -- A new undercover videotape shows staff at a Tennessee Planned Parenthood abortion clinic urging a client to lie about her potential sexual abuse so she could get an abortion. A girl who said she is 14 and sexually abused by a 31-year-old man was told to hide the information from a judge.

The staff members at the nation's largest abortion business told the young woman to conceal the information so a judge would approve her request for an abortion without parental involvement, which is required by state law except in emergency cases.

Lila Rose, 20-year-old UCLA student who has headed up a project to expose Planned Parenthood employees who engage in sexual abuse coverup, released the video footage on Monday....

Tennessee Code 37-1-605 requires health professionals to report suspected cases of sexual abuse of minors to law enforcement immediately.

Here's the video of the coverup:

Remember this the next time Planned Parenthood claims they're acting in the best interest of women.

I'm in the MOB now

In the sidebar on the right, you'll see a blogroll for the "Minnesota Organization of Blogs," i. e., the MOB. For those of you who aren't already MOB members or MOB afficionados, I encourage you to check out the MOB blogs. It is truly the best of the local blogosphere, and a diverse array of opinion is represented (conservative, liberal, libertarian, comedian...).

I'm also proud to report that this site is now included on the MOB-roll. Due to some technical difficulties, the roll was -- I believe the scientific term is fubar -- for a while. But it's back now, and I'd like to give a big thank you to Saint Paul at Fraters Libertas, both for his persistence in getting the glitches fixed and for his kind words.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hey, that's me!

I apologize for the lack of output lately. I should have more time to write going forward, though, so I promise -- soon you'll long for the days when I was so quiet...

Anyway, just because I haven't been blogging much doesn't mean I haven't been paying attention to the news. By now, I'm sure you've all heard about the warnings given to police ahead of the April 15 Tea Parties to warn about "rightwing extremist activity":
The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in "rightwing extremist activity," saying the economic recession, the election of America's first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias....

Wow -- that sounds serious!

Of course, in order to protect ourselves from these domestic terrorists, we need to be able to detect them. Fortunately, the DHS provides some guidance. From a footnote in the report:
Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.

Oh, crap. That's me! Save yourselves, people -- run for your lives!!

Funny, I don't feel like a terrorist...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Credit where it's due

Kirsten Powers, Fox News analyst and self-described liberal feminist, has posted a very thoughtful and informative article today about the use of ultrasound devices at pregnancy crisis centers.

She correctly observes that those who proclaim to be feminists should not be afraid of these efforts. If one is truly acting in the best interest of the woman struggling with a decision about what to do with her baby, one would want to provide her with all of the best available information so that her choice is an informed one.

In Ms. Powers's words:
As a life-long feminist, I find this approach by so-called women's rights groups perplexing and more than a little insulting to women.

What really seems to enrage NARAL and Planned Parenthood is when crisis pregnancy centers use ultra-sound devices, or other methods, to show women pictures of their fetuses. To say that this is a "scare tactic" would be like saying it is a "scare tactic" to show a man a picture of clogged arteries to try to get him to understand his health situation. Yes, it may scare him in a certain direction — or not — but it's an informed decision.

If a woman is seven weeks pregnant and someone shows her this picture, what is wrong with that? How is that "scary"?

Women are not delicate little flowers who can't handle information, despite what NARAL Pro Choice and Planned Parenthood tell us. They should have the option of having all the information presented to them before an abortion so they understand what they are doing.

I don't think they should be forced to look at an ultrasound, but one should be offered....

Please read the whole thing. It's not too often you'll see me linking to pro-choicers (favorably) on this site, but in this case, Ms. Powers is providing a reasonable voice to a very important issue, and it needs to be promoted.